Extraordinary health benefits of olive oil for the senior citizens

Seniors Today
4 min readMay 29, 2021


health benefits of olive

Are you aware of the health benefits of olive oil? Few people consume one or two spoons of extra-virgin olive oil on a daily basis as a medicine. It is a natural oil extracted from the fruit called olives, from the olive tree. The oil is not just nutrients but it also has an extraordinary health benefit. It helps to prevent the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cognitive deficiency which is common among elderly.

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Olive oil is immensely beneficial for people of all ages. According to a research, constant usage of olive oil removes different health issues especially in the senior citizens. It is made from olive fruits, which is a great source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and so on. As you age, it becomes important for you to choose substitutes in order to be healthy and fit.

Kinds of olive oil

There are various kinds of olive oil which are available. These include:

Extra virgin olive oil: The olive oil is normally the best as compared to any other type of olive oil. It is an anti-inflammatory product which enhances the health of hair and skin.

Virgin olive oil: Normally, people use this type of olive oil for frying foods. It helps to reduce inflammation.

Refined olive oil: It is also called pure olive oil which is made from the method of refining. It is helpful to prevent strokes among senior citizens.

Extra light olive oil: This type of oil light in flavour and normally used for baking purpose. It is heart-friendly oil which prevents heart disease and blood pressure.

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Lambent oil: This type of oil is not used for eating. It is used for skin and hair.

Top health benefits of olive oil for the elderly

As you get older, you should increase the olive oil consumption. It has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to lower down cholesterol and enhance HDL levels which are also known as good cholesterol.

Reduces the chance of heart disease

Elders, who consume olive oil on a regular basis, have lower chances of contracting heart disease and strokes. They also have reduced blood pressure level and lesser cholesterol problems.

Helpful in Alzheimer’s disease

Senior citizens, who are more than 50 years, have a high risk of Alzheimer’s disease. According to a study, including olive oil in your diet on a daily basis, clear up the plagues. Usually, these plagues harm the brain neurons. It also helps to enhance the brain function and decreases the chances of cognitive impairment.

Makes bones strong

Strong bones are essential for everyone. As you age, you may suffer from bones pain. Olive oil helps you to prevent bone deficiency. When you include this oil in your food, it may activate osteoporosis cells which help to frame the bone.

Contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties

Extra virgin olive oil is highly nutritious. It contains vitamin E, K and useful fatty acids. Antioxidants help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Olive oil contains phenols and polyphenols that help to enhance the elderly health in many ways. The oil also fights inflammation and helps to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.

Prevent strokes

Stroke causes damage to the brain when there is interruption of blood flow. It may prevent the tissue of brain to get oxygen and nutrients. According to a survey, elders who included olive oil in their diet have lower risk of stroke and heart diseases.

No weight gain and obesity

Consumption of olive oil is not linked with weight gain. Comparatively, when you take a moderate amount of this oil daily, it may even help in weight loss.

Prevent cancer

Olive oil prevents you from the risk of cancer as there is a presence of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. These combinations activate apoptotic genes and tumour suppressor which helps to get rid of unwanted and abnormal cells. So, senior citizens should include olive oil in their diet.

Help in skin health and slow aging:

The essential fatty acids and antioxidants present in the olive oil can save your skin from the radiation in UV light. Olives is considered as one of the greatest anti-aging health food.

Elders can also use all kinds of olive oil to protect the health of their eyes.


Olive oil is considered one of the healthiest oils for everyone, especially for the senior citizens. Therefore, they should understand the importance of regular consumption of olive oil in their diet as it can help them in many ways. Get more updates at Seniors Today



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