Health benefits of pets for seniors

Seniors Today
3 min readJun 10, 2021


Health benefits of pets for seniors

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Studies have shown that the bond between people and their pets brings happiness, reduces stress, increases fitness and gives you peace of mind. It also gives you opportunities for socialization, low feelings of loneliness, decreased blood pressure. Let us now discuss the benefits of pets for elderly.

Reduces loneliness

Pets are a very good option for seniors who are living alone because they have no partner or no family. They never judge you and will always be happy with you. Pets bring light to your loneliness.

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Socialize and make new friends

You have to go out of the house with pets especially dogs. When you go to a park with dog, you can meet with another dog owner. These are the people whom you would not talk to normally. So, you can make friends easily.

Feel safe

Some senior citizens who are living alone, feel defenceless at night, but with a dog they can feel protective and safe.

Increase Happiness

When we share our lives with animals, it is proven that it will reduce stress and anxiety by releasing serotonin. It is the happy hormone in the brain that make us feel positive.

Boost activity level

This activity level depends on the animal you choose. Mostly dogs require one or two walks every day. Regular walking gives many benefits like good mental health, appropriate weight, healthy heart and vitamin D.

Healthy Behaviour

When we take the pet, it becomes our responsibility to take care of it. Taking care of him makes a routine for the elderly. It encourages owners to take care of eating habits, chores and other tasks.

Better self Esteem

Seniors lose their confidence due to age, limited abilities, so in such a situation the pets give you very good company and make you feel that someone loves you too and someone needs you. The feeling inspires you to live happily and enthusiastically.

Longer life

Research shows that people who are between 40–80 living alone, death rate is lower for dog owners than people without dogs.

Lowers blood pressure

Seniors with pets have lower blood pressure than who do not have pet. Research shows that when we touch a pet, it can lower blood pressure rates. So, keeping the pet reduces the risk of heart disease.

Increase mobility and independence

Pets improve mobility and independence by helping with daily tasks. Pets also alert seniors regarding their hearing loss when the doorbell rings or an alarm goes off.

Sense of purpose

Having an animal gives reason to get up in the morning. Pets also help in decreasing the symptoms of depression by eradicating feelings of worthlessness or helplessness. So, pets are beneficial in senior’s mental health.

Investing in life

Keeping the pet means they are included in our life and responsibility falls on us.It is a life affirming decision that requires commitment and dedication. This feeling fills us with great joy.


Many seniors believe that with animals they recover quickly from their injury or surgery and they require less medication. Pets are quite sensitive in distress and discomfort of human companion and support very well.


Taking care of a living being brings us great satisfaction and it becomes our purpose of living. Life becomes thrilling and filled with excitement. In order to take care of someone, we also take care of ourselves. So, pets are great companion for the seniors Get more updates at Seniors Today.



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