How to help lonely elderly

Seniors Today
3 min readJun 28, 2021


Why are seniors exposed to loneliness? There is an increased risk of loneliness among older adults because of different life circumstances. For example: living alone, loss of loved ones, retirement, any chronic diseases or disability. Some seniors have lower connections with their way of life or there is a change in their living environment. This can lead to an inability to take active participation in any community affair. Loneliness can even shape your personality.

There are different ways by which you can help elderly people who feel lonely and socially isolated. This can also help you as when you assist others, it can ease you from your own problems for a while. Loneliness in elderly if not noticed on time, can also lead to depression.

Ways to help lonely elderly

When you notice that you are feeling lonely, give yourself the positive mindset and try to change your life for better. There are many ways by which you can deal with loneliness. Some of these include:

Increase socialization

Humans are social beings. Whenever you get a chance, you should see the places around you to visit. You can also meet your old friends and make new ones. This can help develop your mental and emotional health as well. When you spend some time with others, you feel that your life has a better reason. You feel good. When others depend on or expect something from us, we start to take care of ourselves and be healthy.

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Improve digital communication

There are few technologies, which assists in making the life of senior citizens easier and interesting. They can also introduce themselves to social media. With its help, they can stay connected with their loved ones and communities. This can reduce their loneliness. Video calling is one of the great ideas to prevent you from feeling lonely and depressed. There is a GPS device which can be helpful for you when you are going out.

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Support of families and friends

Whenever you find yourself lonely, spend some time with your loved ones. For example: you can prepare food with them. If you feel lonely, you may have few negative thoughts about yourself and you may sometimes feel disconnected. In this case, families and friends can help you out to reframe your negative beliefs.

Concentrate on your health

You should always take care of your physical and mental health. Lonely elderly is more likely to eat unhealthy food as they have the feeling that no one is concerned about them. This can also lead them to smoke and drink. When you concentrate on your health, you go for a walking or go to the gym. This increases your chances to meet different people.

Become more creative

Few people want to be more creative and innovative when they become older. In order to reduce your loneliness, you should try to do inventive things such as painting art, writing books or performing music. All these can make your mind happier.


Loneliness should not become burden of your life as you age. You should always follow these methods to think positive about yourself. This can give you energy to be focused and ready to overcome any challenges in your life. You should always combat loneliness and be confident and comfortable in your life Get more updates at Seniors Today.



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