Smartphone safety for seniors

Seniors Today
4 min readJun 16, 2021


Smartphone safety for seniors

Do you know that currently, seniors above 50 years have been rapidly using Smartphone device? Smart phones help them access the internet as well as it connects them to their family and friends. If you are an elderly and a new user of Smartphone, you need to know how to use it. You should always customize the settings, create home screen applications, and keep your passwords firmly stored. You should also be aware of safety concerns as scams and frauds are increasing gradually.

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Smart phones also have safety risks for seniors. You should always be aware of suspicious links, calls or texts from an unknown person. Always update your device when the new version is available. When you do so, your Smartphone have the current safety software installed.

Safety measures of Smartphone for seniors

A Smartphone can give many advantages for seniors. At the same time, it may also open them to different identity thefts, scams and possible financial ruin when they don’t pay attention to the safety.

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Here are few safety tips of smart phones for seniors:

Use password to lock your phone:

You should always lock your Smartphone with a password. Without this first security step, anyone can access your device and secured data. Currently, few smart phones have ‘touch ID’ which allows the device to open in response to fingerprint. Few have ‘face ID’ which unlocks the phone when the camera recognizes you.

Refrain from suspicious links:

When you don’t know the sender, you should not click the link. Any link which you receive either through text or email can be suspicious. Seniors fall into trap of a scam which is a cybercriminal trick, if you open the link blindly. Never give your personal information through mails or texts.

Avoid calls from unknown person:

The main motive of fraudsters is to call seniors and take basic details from them. This may be because it is easy for them to get data from the elderly. Do not give any information to unknown person, be it personal or bank related details.

Be cautious while using public Wi-Fi:

There are different scammers available who can steal your account information and password. So, always try to avoid visiting any banking apps when using public Wi-Fi. At times, it becomes hard to avoid using open Wi-Fi. In that case, get a VPN app for your Smartphone. This app helps to make you anonymous online.

Update device:

Updating your software can help you to gain protection from various software frauds. You need to make sure that your phone has the latest security software. So, whenever an update is available in your device, download and install it straight away. You can also put your phone on auto software update.

Find my phone:

Few smart phones have an inbuilt feature of ‘find my phone’. You should download this app in your device, if you don’t have it. This can help you to track your phone when it is lost. You can find it with the help of your laptop, desktop, tablet or from any other Smartphone.

Unusual payment request:

Fraudsters just need your money. They may ask you to make the payment from gift cards, different unknown payment modes in order to trick you. Before you make those payments, do cross-check it so that you don’t fall into trap.

Get security app:

You should install a strong security app called cyber security software. It runs in the background without stop. It helps to ensure that no unknown files steal any data from your Smartphone. Another security app is Avast Mobile security app. It safeguards a global network of many users.

Steps to take if you are a victim

When seniors become a victim of cyber frauds, then you should,

· Immediately change all the password of your personal accounts. Check online security.

· Choose multi-step verification. Change the pin numbers of all your cards and also change your phone number.

· When you know that you have sent money or any personal data to the scammers, you should call financial institution right away.

· Lodge a complaint or an FIR and tell the details to Cybercrime.


Smartphone is a good way to stay in touch with your loved ones. Number of seniors using Smartphone is increasing gradually. You should always take some precautions to protect your personal and bank information. When seniors follow the safety measures, they can get the pleasure in using new technology get more updates at Seniors Today.



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